Countdown Calendar

Vision Trip to Kenya

Monday, December 11, 2023

Kenya: A Hunger for the Word of God

Pastor Sammy Nzau, Divine Destiny Youth Network for Christ and the newly born baby Divine Destiny Church, are very thankful to the Lord and operation Christmas child team and Samaritan Purse for what the Lord has done to them through the gift boxes they received last year.

Last year the Christian youth organization received 250 boxes and distributed them, the results was so tremendous that many children and their parents who never used go to church started coming to their center with need and hunger of being taught the word of God. The effects of these gifts in that community has given birth to a new church in an estate called Kasarani-Mwiki, some 20km from Nairobi city centre. The church is called Divine Destiny Church with 85 children. This year the attendance of children and their parent has increased and they are very grateful to the Lord.

After Sunday School teachers training on discipleship by the Mail Box Club and OCC which was at CFF church hall on 29th February, they started teaching the children on EXPLORER 1(LESSON 1-10) which 50 children aged 7yrs-14yrs attended and 20 teenagers gave their lives to Christ and were baptised though water immersion on Sunday of 11-05-08. They now look forward to organizing their graduation ceremony for their certificates from Mail Box Club. They wish blessings of God to OCC, Samaritan’s Purse, and Mail Box Club for their sacrifice and making this glorious task successful.


Gathered from Samaritan's Purse Impact Stories

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